How do I add or change fields on my form?

Here's a step-by-step tutorial on creating a custom field. 

Your form can have as many or few fields as you like to capture information from your respondents. When first created, there will be a single comment box on your form. You can rename this field or delete it (as long as you add another field first—your form has to have at least one field for responses).

To add and edit fields, click on Edit under the Options menu button next to your box. Then click on the Forms Field tab and look for the "Add Field" button. You can create three different kinds of fields:

Text Field – A single line of text.

Comment Box – A multiple-line box for longer responses.

Dropdown Menu – Provide specific choices for your respondents to choose (such as "Department" or "Category").

File Upload  – Allows a submission giver to upload files with their submission. See more about this feature here.

You can rename or re-order fields after you create them. Click Edit to rename, or drag to re-order. You can also choose whether to make a field required on the form (i.e. the respondent must make a selection or enter text to submit the form).

If you no longer need a custom field you can delete it if you haven't received any submissions that use the field. If you have already used the field, you cannot delete it (because you'd lose your data) but you can disable it so it no longer appears on the response form.

Data you receive in any field never goes away, even if you disable the field. Information you receive is yours to keep forever. 

The export to CSV function will include all fields and data as well.

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