Integrating Suggestion Ox with Slack

Suggestion Ox combines with Slack to give you reminders, notifications and more! To get started, visit the Integrations tab and enable Suggestion Ox:

Once enabled, visit the Integrations tab for any box that you wish to use with Slack:

What can you do with the Slack integration?

Remind your team to submit to Suggestion Ox

Once a week, we’ll send a reminder to the channel of your choice, reminding your employees to use Suggestion Ox for their questions, concerns and ideas. The reminder includes a helpful link to the box, as well as your box’s unique QR code. Customers tell us that the more they remind employees to use Suggestion Ox, the more feedback they get.

Send notification of new submissions to the private channel of your choice

When a new submission comes in, you can send a reminder directly to any private channel with a quick link to go view the submission. Never miss another submission and coordinate who’s on point to respond right in Slack.

Send notification of new public responses to any channel

When you make an incoming submission public and post your reply, you can now have that posted automatically to any Slack channel. This is perfect for making sure that your employees always see the latest communication from leadership.

Coming Soon

  • Submit directly from Slack: Let your employees give anonymous feedback just by messaging the Ox bot.
  • Direct Replies via Slack: Continue your private, anonymous conversations right in Slack.
  • Polls, surveys, AI-assist for question-of-the-week: More ways to engage with your employees and find out what’s on their minds.

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