What is AI Reply Assist?

AI Reply Assist helps you write better answers when replying to incoming submissions. You'll see the "Expand Answer" button on the Direct Replies and Public Replies composition field:

Simply type a few sentences into the reply field and click "Expand Answer."

After a few moments to process the incoming submission and your reply, we'll return several paragraphs of text that you can use as a starting point for your reply. Send it as-is, or edit further.

If you don't like the expanded answer, simply delete it (or choose Undo in your browser) to try again.

To use AI Reply Assist, be sure that AI features are enabled on your account. Go to Edit Box > AI Assistant to turn on AI features.

Adjust Tone Feature

Another option on AI Reply Assist is Adjust Tone. Simple enter some text and click the Adjust Tone button. You can choose from a variety of preset tones to make your message more friendly, more businesslike, or more neutral:

After a few moments to process, your message will be updated with the new tone. If you like it, go ahead and send the reply, or hit Undo to choose another tone.

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